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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 1 February 2024

This Privacy Policy describes our policies on the collection, use and disclosure of your information in connection with your use of our websites, emails, services and platforms (collectively, “Site” or “Sites”). Throughout this Site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Hacktiv8. For the purposes of the Indonesian Data Protection Law (“PDP Law”), we are a data controller for the information we hold about you in providing our Sites and access thereto.

By accessing this Site, you agree to accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

When this Privacy Policy uses the term “personal data,” we mean any data that relates to an identifiable individual, including their name, address, online identifiers, phone number or email address. The specific data we collect is described in this policy. Please note that we do not sell your personal data, and only use it for the purposes outlined herein.

What Data We Collect

Contact Information. We collect and retain personal contact information that you submit to us voluntarily in ordering or otherwise signing up for our products and services or any mailing lists. This includes your name, company name, mailing address, telephone number and email address. Additionally, we collect contact information provided to us during any correspondence relating to customer support, as well as in connection with products and services offered by Hacktiv8.

Access Information. We collect and retain information about the device with which you access and use our Sites and other information on your use of the Site, such as the domain name, Internet Service Provider, browser type and version, pages viewed, information accessed, and the Internet Protocol (IP) address you use to connect to the Internet. We also collect information in relation to Cookies.Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that are used to transfer data from your browser to your computer’s hard drive to enable our systems to recognize which browser you are using and what pages you are visiting. Our cookies do not collect personal information, and we do not combine the general information we obtain through cookies with such personal data. Most browsers have an option to turn off the cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting new cookies. We recommend that you keep the cookie feature enabled, for your better experience in using our Site.

Demographic Information. We may collect and store demographic information (such as your zip code, gender, date of birth, and/or age), and use this data to tailor your experience on our websites, ensure you are at least 18 years of age to make purchases, provide content that we think you might be interested in, perform general improvements to the Sites, and display the content according to your preferences. Such demographic information may be shared with partners, market researchers and other third parties on an aggregate, non-personally identifiable basis. No personally identifiable information will be linked to such aggregated demographic information that is shared with third parties.

How We Use Your Personal Data.

To Carry Out Cooperation with You. We use this information to carry out cooperation with you and fulfill your requests, such as:

  1. Mengirimkan informasi layanan yang Anda minta.
  2. Menanggapi permintaan, pertanyaan dan kekhawatiran.
  3. Mengelola akun Anda.

To Contact You. If you have given your consent to send you email, phone or SMS marketing, or if you have provided us with your postal address, we will use the personal data you give to us to contact you from time to time. You can choose to provide your consent to receive marketing communications by e-mail, phone and/or cell number (including use of automated dialing equipment and/or pre-recorded calls), text (SMS) message, social networks or any other means of communication that your device may be capable of receiving (i.e. video, etc.). If you do not want to receive postal or electronic communications, you may withdraw your consent at any time, by clicking the link in a communication, or emailing us using the address provided below.

To Protect Our Sites and Our Business. We monitor use of the Sites and we use the collected information, including personal data, to pursue our legitimate interests in protecting you, others and the Sites by:

  1. Mengidentifikasi aktivitas dan transaksi penipuan.
  2. Mencegah penyalahgunaan Situs dan menyelidiki dan/atau menuntut penuntutan atas potensi ancaman atau penyalahgunaan Situs.
  3. Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan layanan yang berlaku dan Kebijakan Privasi ini.
  4. Menyelidiki pelanggaran atau menegakkan ketentuan ini.
  5. Jika tidak, melindungi hak dan properti Hacktiv8, mitranya, dan pelanggannya.

To Improve Our Sites and Services. In order to pursue our legitimate interest in improving our Sites, we also use personal data to conduct research and analysis:

  1. Untuk mengidentifikasi layanan apa yang Anda dan pelanggan lain seperti Anda butuhkan.
  2. Untuk lebih memahami bagaimana orang berinteraksi dengan situs web kami untuk memberikan komunikasi tentang produk yang menurut kami menarik bagi Anda.
  3. Untuk menentukan efektivitas kampanye promosi dan periklanan.
Whenever we process data for these purposes, we will ensure that we always keep your personal data rights in high regard and take account of these rights. You have the right to object to this processing if you wish and if so, please email us to update your communication preferences. Please note, if you object, this may affect our ability to carry out tasks above for your benefit.
How Long We Keep Your Personal Data

We keep information as long as needed to provide you with our Sites and services, manage our business, or as otherwise required by law or contract.

Who We Share Your Personal Data With

We provide your personal data to companies that help us with our business activities (e.g. assisting us in Site operations, providing customer service, etc.) or that assist us in improving our products, content, services or advertising. These companies are authorized to use your personal data only as necessary to provide these services. We will also share your personal data:

  1. Sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh hukum, perintah pengadilan atau otoritas pemerintah atau penegak hukum lainnya atau badan pengatur untuk menegakkan atau menerapkan Perjanjian Layanan kami atau perjanjian lainnya.
  2. Saat kami yakin dengan itikad baik bahwa pengungkapan diperlukan untuk melindungi hak kami, melindungi keselamatan Anda atau orang lain, menyelidiki penipuan, atau menanggapi permintaan pemerintah. Hal ini termasuk pertukaran informasi dengan penegak hukum, perusahaan dan organisasi lain untuk perlindungan penipuan, pengurangan risiko kredit atau tujuan serupa lainnya.
  3. Sehubungan dengan perubahan perusahaan termasuk merger, akuisisi, pengalihan atau penjualan aset atau sehubungan dengan kebangkrutan, kebangkrutan atau kurator. Informasi tentang pengguna kami, termasuk informasi pelanggan, juga perlu diungkapkan kepada penasihat hukum dan keuangan, investor atau calon pembeli kami dalam beberapa transaksi komersial yang mencari pembiayaan, investasi atau dukungan atau pendanaan.
  4. Kepada pihak ketiga lainnya yang mana kami telah mendapat persetujuan Anda sebelumnya untuk melakukan hal tersebut.
Your Rights In Relation To Your Personal Data

You are entitled to ask us:

  1. Untuk mendapatkan akses ke salinan data pribadi Anda.
  2. Untuk mengidentifikasi data pribadi Anda yang telah dibagikan.
  3. Untuk memperbaiki, menghapus, atau membatasi pemrosesan data pribadi Anda oleh kami. Atau
  4. Untuk berhenti memproses informasi Anda, dengan menarik persetujuan Anda atau menolak kepentingan sah kami.
Your rights in relation to your personal data are limited in some situations. For example, if we have a legal requirement or a legitimate business purpose we may continue to process and/or retain your information. We will provide you with information on whether there are limits or exemptions that apply to any request that you make. But know that we will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights, meaning except as otherwise permitted by law we will not deny you goods or services or otherwise impose financial penalties on you for exercising those rights.
Partner Sites

Hacktiv8 sometimes enters into agreements in which we jointly develop or operate websites with third parties (each a “Pertner Site”). Any information collected via a Partner Site may be jointly owned by Hacktiv8 and the applicable third-party partner, or, alternatively, owned solely by us or the third-party partner. In such event we will make sure you know who is collecting your data when it is collected as well as which privacy policy applies

Minimum Age Requirement

You must be at least 18 (eighteen) years old to register online or purchase our goods or services. Hacktiv8 does not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18 (eighteen).

Changes To This Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time, and will communicate changes to this Policy via email to users who have provided an email address and/or post a notice on our Sites prior to the change becoming effective.

Contacting Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, you can contact us by writing to us at